Cyber Dream

Playlist By

JC Carpin

Data Refreshed On

February 11, 2024

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High Tech—Low Life.


Playlist Length

1 days, 21 hours, 50 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

January 7, 2021


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Ghost Twin - more synthy and supernatural (CC II/III style) | [Saturn Swallows the Sun]( Mr. Kitty - toured w/ Pastel Ghost when I saw them live, goth pop, self-described as, "Self-destructive synthpop." | [Habits (feat. PASTEL GHOST)]( Scratch Massive's 2011 album, here's the title track [Nuit de Rêve]( Perturbator / Carpenter Brut for cyberpunk / horror vibes | [She is Young She is Beautiful She is Next]( / [Le Perv (it's nsfw)]( Cosmetics album 'Olympia.. Plus' is more spare and minimal | [Black Candy]( Cavernous psychadelic lurking horror is Dan Terminu, I prefer 'Wrath of Code' | [The Chasm]( Kontravoid for EBM post-New Order type | [Native State]( Carface - 'Plastic God' great fkin album | [White Lines]( Also should definitely get some origin story and listen to | [This Time of Night]( New Order Club 8 they're kinda indie now but their 2015 album 'Pleasure' has plenty of evil in it | [Skin]( Plaitum, "Constraint" is dark pop from the UK | [Reeling]( iamamiwhoami has a nice catalogue, start w/ their 2013 album 'Bounty' | [o]( Night Club's album 'Requiem for Romance' if you don't mind a more theatrical darkness. Extremely fun, listen to | [Bad Girl]( once and dance S U R V I V E did the sound work for Stranger Things, they're a synthwave classic. The album 'RR7349' start w/ track | [Copter]( Amnesia Scanner's distorted near-human vocals and sonically broken beats | [AS Gardens Need Walls]( Kerguelen Vortex, album 'Aural Vampire' sounds like the opening to a darkwave mecha anime [Human Noise]( Billie Eilish's recent album is p good. Her 2017 EP kinda sucks imo but there's a song on it | [COPYCAT]( that absolutely fucks Virtual Self's 2017 EP if you like hardcore/trance | [Ghost Voices]( Listen to Alice Glass's solo work especially STILLBIRTH Fire-Toolz is irridescent fear-chaos, recent album 'Field Whispers' if you like metal. [mailto:spasm@swamp.god?subject=Mind-Body Parallels / Clear Light]( Chino Amobi's album 'PARADISO' if you like hip hop | [KOLLAPS]( Check the Hotline Miami soundtrack for some older dark synth I could keep going . . . My playlist is a bit corrupted by Carly Rae Jepsen and some other Not Dark music but it's a good summary of dark electronic shit if you'd be [interested.](





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1/11/20 13:02


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