Melon Top 100

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Data Refreshed On

May 23, 2024

Open in Spotify


Top 100 Korean songs on the daily chart (domestic) on Melon, updated daily on Spotify.


Playlist Length

0 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

May 23, 2024


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Track Popularity Rating

Very Popular



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Reddit Post

Most people are looking at this from an international fan perspective. I think the real question is why is there no *dance* soloists who debut these days? Kpop idol dance groups now is mostly popular with international audience. If you look at Korean [charta]( today, there are many soloists, including new ones like KyeongSeo, Big Naughty, BeO, Joosiq, Tophyun, Ash Island... there are even duos like Melomance, Davichi, Bol4 (kinda), besides AKMU. Melomance is doing extremely well in Korea now, but no one here talks about them. imo it's just as hard for kpop dance/idol groups to succeed in Korea because the market is a lot more fragmented now. IU and Psy are household names until today because they had very big hits during the time everyone were pretty much getting their entertainment from the same stations and programs. A comment said soloists like Roy Kim and Paul Kim have no longevity, I can say the same about kpop groups. There are only a few acts of any type that will have guaranteed long term success for every release in pop music everywhere. The last chart-friendly soloist who debuted under a Big3 was LeeHI. Despite the questionable management she had under YG, like cancelling a release after the photos had been shot, they gave her hits and clout in the industry.





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Reddit Timestamp

7/13/22 19:09


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