care and keeping
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0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
November 25, 2024
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Top Playlists
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The One He Told You Not to Worry About
Dial M for Murder
for the kids who didn't cry at graduation
hello turned to never leave my mind again 🦋💗
Summer Driving 2023
Modern Witch
you were never even a player.
back on my eldest daughter bullshit
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going for a drive at 2:30 in the morning ó‿ó
Currently Spinning
Fierce Femme Fatale
fuck u & jennifer 🖤
i love when women
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Never his peace, always his panic
a soundtrack for the golden age
+10 friendship points
Brye's Faves
wake up moony
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quarter life crisis soundtrack
Chill Bedroom Pop
fall 2020
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🌈Welcome to Hell 🔥
big Sag energy
*BREADCRUMBS by Mike Shinoda
oh, to see without my eyes
2022 dreams comin true
songs specifically for girls with mommy issues
Anti-Anxiety Mixtape
calm down moony
back on my eldest daughter bullshit
❀reimi sugimoto❀
here's a never-ending playlist to compensate for all the time u wasted on me
Catfish | Official Playlist
you should probably just rethink that
Playlists matched by shared audio characteristics. Audio characteristics capture the mood of the music but can sound different.
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Top Of The Pop
Good Songs RN
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Mix Playlist (Chosic)
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Happy Vibes
A Perfect Day
The Sound of Vodafone
Fresh Hits
PRIDE 2022 by KyivPride & Parada Równości
Literally everything lmao
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(indie) pop
songs that need more attention!
Gamer Girl Music 😎🎮💕
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