Master Halloween Playlist
This playlist has something for everyone, from ambient, to dance, and from pop to rock.
Playlist Length
1 days, 3 hours, 45 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
December 4, 2023
Mixed Mood
Track Popularity Rating
Somewhat Popular
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Of course, [here's]( the list. For a lot of folks, its gonna be a list to pick an choose out of, as its a huge mix of everything reasonably Halloween, so it bounces around a lot in style and tone. (a little background on the reasoning of what's in there.) First, the primary thing, what gets it on the list; * It's explicitly about Halloween, ghosts, demons, ect * Its spooky / haunting or closely associated with things that are (ie, some movie soundtrack pop songs) * mentions ghosts/ demons as metaphor, but is also spooky. (things that are metaphorical but lack the appropriate sound generally don't make the cut) And some caveats; * some things get a pass on the 3rd point above, as it has been a struggle to find modern music (<10yrs) that qualifies. I've been trying to keep it from becoming a typical '80's music list' like you usually see on a Halloween list. * Generally, I try to include a few items from any given artist. Because otherwise it would become dominated by certain artists (ie, Lordi) * For the sake of not being boring, certain versions of songs you might expect are intentionally excluded from the list. No BBP Monster Mash for example, there's a cover instead. (some get a pass here, like Thriller and Ghostbusters). Also, some are covers because I'm based in Canada, and our Spotify doesn't have the license for the song here (ie, OG Buffy Theme) * Naturally, its dominated by Punk, Emo, Goth, Metal and soundtracks. I try to expand beyond that, but of course other genres tend away from this sort of thing. * and finally, its like a 6 or 7 year work in progress, which I haven't given an edit pass yet this year, so of course I'm open to input And finally, I'm open to thoughts and suggestions. (following the guidelines above)
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Reddit Timestamp
10/27/22 19:45
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