leftfield grooves

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Data Refreshed On

May 24, 2024

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Playlist Length

1 days, 7 hours, 0 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

May 14, 2024


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This is beautiful! I could tell that this is sincerely coming from a place of deep appreciation and I have to say, you have huuuge world that is about to open up to you. I, too, started ‘raving’ in 2010–loved the big room house stuff, the trance, then got into dubstep/drumnbass. Did not miss any Insomniac/HARD events. And then I went to Coachella in 2014. From then on, I haven’t been to any Insomniac festival since. It opened up ALL avenues of music for me. I’ve become a bigger fan of the music and to this day, continue to dig daily. Its a bit overwhelming, but I would start with the artists you listen and go from there. Chem Bros is 90s Big Beat—its very different to what we have now, so I would go backwards and look at other 90s artists that made a similar impact—Underworld, Prodigy, Fatboy Slim, etc. The 90s had a GREAT electronic music scene—don’t forget to look into the IDM stuff a la Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, Warp Records releases, I could go on. Also, trip hop pioneers a la Portishead, Massive Attack—since you enjoyed DJ Shadow. Jamie is more of a mixed bag. He pulls a lot from current and older UK club music, so you get House, Garage, Techno, Breakbeat, some Jungle, and everything else in between such as Reggae, Soul and Funk. He is one of my favorite artists to see live and will be seeing him for the 7th time this friday. Here are some of my (semi-updated) playlists to get you started! Feel free to look into my other playlists, I tend to list some of my favorite songs under the genre I feel like they fall in. ‘Leftfield/Alternative’ House: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7A6rsEM0NkRGzPhibhiOSC?si=ZMko61N5RB-YDV92R8Grgg Traditional House https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5icDMYgJFkph17pZIYF0O8?si=PiwNbYRUS7u32SJf01_UNg IDM/Weird stuff/Broken Beat https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0Xzrrh6sC3I2xuk6s2fk8V?si=t-El7sBqRtSk3kUAStIv3w UK garage/Bass https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1bZ7nYEdy023PAfIcRmztp?si=OZFmAqoHRjK2dFvxw8FGxw Bangers https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6bHoup8IOa7xBdKsZJbiep?si=-6qY6_43Q_yju3X9feYIpw Techno https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6bHoup8IOa7xBdKsZJbiep?si=-6qY6_43Q_yju3X9feYIpw Good luck on your quest and please get earplugs and save your hearing—I know this won’t be your last show!





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Reddit Timestamp

9/28/22 11:05


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