Favorite Tracks of the 80s
Playlist Length
0 days, 17 hours, 13 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
November 22, 2023
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Top Playlists
These are the playlists that frequently match with Favorite Tracks of the 80s based on the categories below. Check-out each category for additional playlists.
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Playlists matched by number of shared artists
80s Goth/Post-Punk/New Wave
Sinister Resonance: Eight Years of Post-Punk & New Wave [1978 - 1985]
From the Ritz to the Hacienda to Today - Darkwave I Industrial I Gothic I EBM I Club Tracks
winter is coming
Nachttanz #2 🟣 Die Party 🟣 Floor 2 - Goth-Post Punk-Minimal-etc 🟣 Best of
Night Flight: Death To Summer
Everything Goth
Dark Wave: Current + Archive
Dark side of the 80's
The Naked and the Dead - Influences
Menthüll - Mouvements amples
The Girl Was Never There: Gothic, Deathrock, Dark Wave, Etc (1977-90)
A Life Less Lived: The Gothic Box
Dark side of the 80s (Madame Satã de Quinta) - Post Punk, Gothic Rock, Dark - Cold - New Wave, Alternative)
goth starter pack
Strawberries and Switchblades
70s/80s (Post-Punk • Darkwave • Goth • Synth)
Playlists matched by number of shared sub genres
Dark Wave: Current + Archive
Preach Psychology
Dark side of the 80's
80s Goth/Post-Punk/New Wave
Post Punk Party People
witching hour
Night Flight: Death To Summer
Crazy Bacon
winter is coming
Post-Punk Essentials Vol. 1
Mission to the Sun: Selects
the Serfs listen to musiq
Dark Post Punk 📼
dark dancefloor
The Black Waters of Lethe
Barraca discoteca Valencia 80's
Strawberry Tongue Radio
Playlists matched by shared audio characteristics. Audio characteristics capture the mood of the music but can sound different.
the art of falling apart
post-punk grab bag
it’s baggy time
Now THAT'S what I call Post-Punk !!
80's Gothic Rock
Music To Fall Not Asleep To (shuffle)
Orpheum Dortmund- Der Musik wegen!
Perfect Bangers
Wave Total 17.01.2020
The Sound of Post-Punk
rockpocalypse! a mini-playlist for surviving #sxsw
The Cassandra Complex Influences
Post-Punk and Punk Underground
Dark dance Radio-Instagram
Dark side of the 80s (Madame Satã de Quinta) - Post Punk, Gothic Rock, Dark - Cold - New Wave, Alternative)
Vampire Disco: Secret Gems from the 80s (Post-Punk & Gothic Music, 1980-1988) [Dark 80s Music]
Goth Moth Radio
Blissful Gift
Playlists matched by number of shared songs
Dark Wave: Current + Archive
80s Beauty
ᴍᴀʀᴋᴇᴛ ᴄʀᴀꜱʜ
angular post-punk & new wave inspired dance-punk & alt rock
The Girl Was Never There: Gothic, Deathrock, Dark Wave, Etc (1977-90)
An Alternative Spectrum
witching hour
80s New Wave, Synth Pop, Post Punk, Modern Rock: hits and deep cuts 🎹
some good songs
The Sound of Post-Punk
Pretend it's goth night but without bad new EBM
91X Resurrection Sunday & KROQ Flashbacks
Exit Bar Music
Post Punk Party People