Seventeen Discography

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Data Refreshed On

October 15, 2022

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if i’m missing any songs that you feel should be on here, dm me on twitter! (@rosiepinksky) :)) take care!


Playlist Length

0 days, 8 hours, 29 minutes

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Somewhat Popular



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this dino appreciation i love it!! would highly recommend his danceology series he did on youtube if you haven’t already. you will fall in love with him even more. if you want to deep dive into their discography even more, i use [this spotify playlist]( for their music (i’m sure there’s an apple music playlist if that’s the platform you use). it’s only missing woozi’s ruby if i’m not mistaken. i just press shuffle play on that bad boy and listen throughout the day. also recommend any and every single performance of home;run. it shows off svt’s showmanship and performance very well and the vocals in it are *chefs kiss* as many will probably say, going seventeen is one of the best ways to immerse yourself in their personalities. it’s also a good way to distinguish the members! i highly recommend their mbti episodes from 2019, kart rider 2020, ttt 2020, let’s go svt 2021, don’t lie series, boo seungkwan past destiny life 2020 (note that seungcheol is absent from this ep as this was when he was on hiatus for his mental health), and best friends 2021 (note that china line is absent as they were in china for individual activities/visit their families after two years). all of gose is super good, but those are my beginner ep recs hehe i’m actually surprised about the hoshi and wonwoo! i have never heard of them looking similar. depending on what your watching, wonwoo is always the one with glasses on if you’re watching a non-performance video of them. he has an eye condition(?), so besides when he’s on stage, [he’ll have glasses on]( most of the time. idk how else to describe hoshi besides that “ifykyk”. he has a very boisterous and endearing personality that you’ll just know it’s him. he has a very [warm and boyish smile]( that might help in identifying him (he smiles like this (^▽^)). wonwoo is also the taller and quieter of the two. they’re quite “opposite” in that way!





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Reddit Timestamp

2/14/22 0:52


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