Indieheads Summer Playlist - All

Playlist By

Kevin McGarry

Data Refreshed On

February 12, 2024

Open in Spotify



Playlist Length

2 days, 14 hours, 36 minutes

Playlist Followers




Playlist Last Updated

June 20, 2019


Mixed Mood

Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Post

I agree with some of what you said, and I think that the voting plays a pretty big role in that because people are going to gravitate towards the songs that they know and love moreso than unfamiliar songs that may fit the bill a bit better. I took a look at your summer mix(es), and I think it goes without saying that the average /r/indieheads user is going to vote for something from Animal Collective's arguably best song (using them as an example because I personally am not a huge fan) rather than a band like La Sera - though their song may fit your description of summer better, it's night and day going between an essential artist and someone who is relatively unknown (fewer than 20K monthly listeners). When you receive 900+ nominations, well, people just don't have 65 hours to spare to go through every single song. That said, that's not to take away from the quality of songs that were included in the first place. Yes, a song like Postcards from Italy incurs rain and snow, but the melody reminds me, and evidently a bunch of others, of, say, looking out over the ocean from the side of a cliff. And yes, while the playlist is lacking some surf rock, et al I still think most of the melodies fit a happy-go-lucky, summertime vibe. Even if not happy-go-lucky, or ideal songs for the beach, let's not forget that for some folks their ideal summer day is chilling on their front porch sipping a glass of ice cold lemonade - in cases like that, I think a song like Sweet Life or Since I Left You fits better than a crazy upbeat surf song. Check out [all the submissions]( and you should be able to find a good portion of songs that you think would fit what reminds *you* of summer more granularly





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Reddit Timestamp

6/21/19 11:39


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