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Data Refreshed On

July 25, 2023

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gimme some more of that vague ass gizz lore


Playlist Length

0 days, 5 hours, 47 minutes

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[time to post my playlist again](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7HESBWuJTTMgX0SQDQXP43?si=MD8EN225Rw-UACmDtDOT_w) everything up to altered beast IV is world building, showing how bad of a state the world is in. people fleeing earth due to disease, terraforming, etc. then FMB -> robot stop explaining about cyborgs and their creation. big fig wasp -> MOTU is the nonagon transition into han tyumis story. han kills the universe. crumbling castle is another POV of this. I have Life/Death there because it fits really well and sets up for The Funeral pretty well Funeral transitions into Timeland, which is sort of a purgatory in the universe imo. an in-between. LD talks about time travel then and explains that through hypertension, you can laminate denim (lamination = fusing of fabrics, denim = fabric. laminated denim is fusing two points of the fabric of time together) by dying through vomiting (vomiting raises blood pressure), han reset the entire universe. LD then takes us back to the start of the universe (the land before timeland) exploding suns touches on it a bit more, talking about everything being ruined and the timeline resetting ice death piss fart talks a bit about the start of other places in the universe, with magma gods and planetary princesses fucking shit up everywhere else poly starts out and ends with Han escaping the rule of the dictator dude and achieving tetrachromacy. we can tell han is the one who gets tetrachromacy because he says his “hello” at the end of the vinyl master of the album then we fast forward to present day with sketches, where han is back looking to be in control, claiming to random people that he’s God due to his tetrachromacy. the playlist loops here, going back into explaining that the world is getting ruined again





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Reddit Timestamp

11/24/22 19:55


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