An automatically curated playlist of songs shared on the /r/indieheads subreddit.
Playlist Length
0 days, 13 hours, 29 minutes
Playlist Followers
Playlist Last Updated
February 1, 2017
Mixed Mood
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Reddit Info
Reddit Post
Hey guys! I gotta say, this has become just about my favourite sub on Reddit. You guys are always friendly and the music is great! I wanted to make something to contribute to the sub, but since I can't make music, I had to find something else. This sub receives dozens of posts daily, and most of them are of new songs that people want to share. They come from lots of different sources, and in high volume, and it makes it difficult for me to actually listen to most of them. I'm sure others feel the same. Long story short, I wrote up a script that collects songs shared on the sub and adds them to a Spotify playlist (if they can be found on Spotify, that is). I have plans to automate the process and build out the whole thing more, but for now, I manually run it from my computer a few times a day. [HERE IT IS](https://open.spotify.com/user/listiehead/playlist/7HqqLdLqDSLx1MbsbmGBL2). I hope this is cool with mods. I know playlist sharing isn't really allowed, but I see this as a way for all of us to keep up with the songs on the sub. Of course, there are still issues. Sometimes it adds songs incorrectly. I'm going to be updating it whenever I get free time. But for now, its got ~130 songs from the last 500 or so posts to the sub! **TL;DR** Made a script to add songs shared here to a [playlist](https://open.spotify.com/user/listiehead/playlist/7HqqLdLqDSLx1MbsbmGBL2). Gonna work on improving it, but it's worked well for me so far!! Hope you like it!
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Reddit Timestamp
1/24/17 13:43
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