For Real Weird

Playlist By

Andre Watson

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November 3, 2019


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Okay, so, as expected, these answers and the playlist itself are all really tame. Some of the stuff on the palylist is pretty legit, but, damn you've got some vanilla-ass friends if this is what they'd consider weird. I worked in the back of a restaurant for like 3 years where I got too blast new music all day every day. I have dozens of playlists of shit. I live for the off-kilter stuff. My schedule, according to Shpootify's data, let's me listen to /3 months/ of music a year. I dunno what you'll like, but I can hit you with the both the 'weird' and just the uncommon. Lemme take you for a ride. <3 Pre-posting edit: Damn, I fucked up. I made one of these playlists (plural) way too fuckin' long. One's for weird for weird's sake, the other is... kinda quirky, but a helluva lot more accessible, but still fair from 'mainstream' or w/e. The first one has... Every genre imaginable. I'll... try to describe 'em as well as I can. If you like anything, tho, DM or comment or w/e. Seriously, I live for this. Also, a couple artists will repeat, but if they're on here more than once, everything I'm posting is different enough that... You may well, hopefully, like something even if you didn't care for something of theirs you heard earlier. [Here's]( the real strange one. [Here's]( the much less so, one. Weird one - Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon - (I dunno wtf to call this. New Wave Revival...? Apparently my most listened song of last year.) Cockroach King - HAKEN - (I've never been much of a metal guy, but... These guys converted me. I... Can barely describe it. If Queen played prog metal? This is one of few that I'll ask you to listen to in its entirety, even if it's not your genre. My description cannot do this song justice.) Come Along/Wriggle - Cosmo Sheldrake - (Think of the score that would play in the background when the main characters arrive in the elf/fae village in some high fantasy media. It's that, but, like... also pop-ish? Fairly different songs. Worth checking the other even if you don't love the other one. I think Come Along's the better song "oBjEcTiVeLy", but I prefer Wriggle.) Starkiller/Necromancin' Dancin' - Bear Ghost - (Spooky rock? The skeleton with the top hat would have his skeleton band play this while his army invaded the city.) Phantom of Aleppoville/One Awkward Fish - Benjamin Clementine - (Real Art-housey/experimental piano 'pop', guy's voice is awesome. If you know Gorillaz, it's the dude that did the vocals on Hallelujah Money.) Time Deer/Bone Rage/In God We Trust - Bent Knee - (Kinda heavy art rock/baroque-ish? Very warbly operatic female singer. All 3 songs are very different. Time Deer is artsy. Bone Rage is heavy and kind of a banger. In God We Trust is despair-ridden and fuckin' beautiful and may well be my most listened song of this year. Vocals pierce your soul on that one.) The Good Doctor - HAKEN - (Played these guys already. This is pretty different, but if you weren't huge on Cockroach King earlier, I don't think this'll change your mind. Good Doctor would sound like standard prog if you aren't a fan of the genre, but if you know a lot, I think it's very much the best in its field.) 1985 - HAKEN - (Also fairly different. If you love those beautiful, cheesy, digital drums from the 80s, this one's for you. Starts prog-y, but eventually devolves into this fun 80s rock-style jam about 2/3 through. Also, it's about DnD. I think. Hooray.) Woof Woof - Dan Deacon - (Experimental electro-pop. Feel like I haven't been weird enough so far. Sooo.... Sooorta the same vein as Jack Stauber. I adore this song for the quirky bass, but... Man, it sure is kinda... dog noises and reversed chipmunk lyrics. Better than that description makes it sound, but... Wtf kind of music uses a slide whistle?) Number City - Coheed & Cambria - (Yeah, I know it's Coheed and everyone at least knows the name, but I sure feel like people Welcome Home, Favor House, and, like... nothing else. Fun, super theatrical, dance rock, trumpet and bass-driven number. Posssibly my favorite thing in their very huge discog.) Confess - EMEFE - (Similar to the song I opened with and kinda similar to the song above. Trumpet, bass, and electronic driven new-wavey-kinda dance electronic thing. This band is sadly no longer active, but... I live for this shit. One of my go to's to hype myself at Smash tournaments. Gamer time. 🤙) The Whip - Dirtwire - (Electonic-tinged... Old west music? Think of cowboy shoot-out scene style music, but, not, like... country. Like, hard, electronic bluegrass? Cowboy whistling and blowing tumbleweeds included. I'd die in a shootout to this.) Bitter Suite IV/V - the Dear Hunter - (The best band. Just at all. Long history of intertwined story-driven albums like Coheed covering all genres as needed to tell the story. A little slow-starting, but this is, like.. Disney-villain big band jazz-rock. Possibly my favorite of theirs.) Blame Paradise - The Dear Hunter - (TDH and Coheed are.. kinda similar, but if Coheed started at 80s rock and TDH started at baroque and acoustic stage-play scores, they're slowly converging. If you enjoyed Coheed Number City, above, this is the same kinda song, but by someone who started acoustic instead of electric.) Ship On Fire/Row Row/Gravedigger's Chant/Servants - Zeal & Ardor - (Ho. Lee. Shit. Coolest thing I've heard in a long time. Ya know old African-American spirituals? Those, like, slave-work, chain-gang kinda songs? Imagine if those slaves, instead of saying "Oh, lawd gon' save us." said "Well, the white folk like God. Fuck the white folk and fuck God. We like satan now." Take that premise and that music style and slap some black metal on top. Fucking. Awesome. 10/10. At least give Row Row a shot if that sounds unappealing, but Ship On Fire represents them better overall.) Painter In Your Pocket - Destroyer - (Very strange band name choice. This is, like... Acoustic indie rock. Not supremely strange, but.. Very soothing. A little quirkier than similar-sounding artists. Doesn't sound like he's just trying to be quirky for it's own sake like so many warbly-voiced indie bands do.) Love Song - Destiny Potato - (Disregard the semi-cringey randem XD band name. Actually super talented prog rock/djent. Having a female singer for this style of rock band without literally every song being about being hurt/strong is rare in this genre. They both avoid that trope and are not afraid to change it up heavily over the course of a single song.) Down At McDonelzzz - Electric Six - (I feel like most internet people have run into Electric Six's Gay Bar at some point or another, but never explored further. Mock rock. Very 80s sounding. It's all of that 'we're the best, we're so cool, we love to party'-style, masturbatory lyricism of the 80s, but... In good fun and self-aware, but, simultaneously, while they're a funny band, they're not, like... a comedy band. The funny is secondary to the jammin' music, which is nice. Not huge on, like... 'funny' stuff and meme music and parody shit. Bleh.) Stick Together - Eels - (Veeeery similar kind of band as above. This song, not as much, tho. This... This song makes me want to be in a suiting-up-to-rob-the-casino montage. 10/10) Ghost Pong - Emancipator - (Nothing you haven't heard before, but probably nothing you've ever purposefully listened to before. Very... Atmosphereic/naturey sounding electronic muzak. Almost entirely instrumental. Would play while you're in the snow area or waterfall area in some RPG game.) Nightmare Parade - FAKE TYPE. - (Japanese electro-swing. If you like any of Caravan Palace, Parov Stellar, Orange Range, (the weeb band, 1st Bleach intro.), you'll like this. .... Or if you like A Friend Like Me from Aladdin. lol.) I'm In No Mood/Bitter Tea - The Fiery Furnaces - (These guys are band that is... Very much only for hipsters. They're the type to put a harpischord, reversed lyrics, cowbell, and synth sounds in a song with changing tempos and time signatures just because they can. I love 'em, but I would not call them good. .... They are def weird, though.) Greatest Blue - fox capture plan - (Japanese Jazz band with no vocals. Everything they do sounds like I could be in a modern video game and not in the 'oh, it's bitcrushed, electronic 8-bit sounds' kinda way, but, like... If you know Nintendo at all and how they've started doing big band and orchestrated and jazz stuff for Mario games? That kind of 'video game music'. This song sounds like either the vehicle select screen in a racer or the character select in a 2D fighter. "CHOOSE YOUR VEHICLE.") Start Wearing Purple - Gogol Bordello - (Revolutionary gypsy jazz rock. Lyrically, you get the same kind of middle-eastern revolutionary sorta color as System of a Down, but... not metal. This is their, like, go-to weird song, but everything else they do is just as fun and off-the-wall, if not slightly less memorable.)





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11/3/19 23:53


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