Organized Konfusion

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0 days, 3 hours, 37 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

April 13, 2023


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Old head here. Will link to some playlists of their best shit I've trimmed down, and a short explanation. Because damn I guess I overthink things I guess. lol. [Pharoahe Monch]( (especially his Organized Konfusion days, but he's still going strong with stuff like PTSD). My personal GOAT. Incredible delivery, wordplay for days, super conceptual, amazingly consistent, etc etc etc. [ELP]( (and his [RTJ]( stuff), his concept albums were phenomenal, took the genre to places it hadn't been before, almost like he took song writing styles from rock and roll and applied them to hip hop. then dove right into heavy nasty no frills shit with killer mike which i love him for. [Doom]( because it's fucking doom man. incredible word play. unique production. [Rakim]( the trailblazer. The dude who birthed modern hip hop from that clumsy sounding 80s shit (which i also love, chill lol). Also the dude that got me into hip hop as a young pup. [Kool G Rap]( has punch lines and flow like no one else. When he hits his stride he's better than your favourite rapper. He just is. sorry. [Guru]( Aint no one can hype you up and relax you at the same time like Gang Starr can. [Kool Keith]( I feel needs an explanation, because 99% of his stuff is wack af, and was a slog even for a trawler like me to get through, but man the dude is UNIQUE. super conceptual. Love how weird he gets with it. Super underappreciated, and terribly produced for the most part. Was a good record deal and producer away from being a great. But ended up more a curiosity for academics. Damn shame. [MOP]( Ain't no one more hype than MOP. AIN'T NO ONE. Can't happen. Just can't. [Geto Boys]( was wild as fuck. Only other dudes even approaching this crude back then was probably NWA or [2 live crew]( (who i will always love for that town hall meeting about how crude they are then they turned up screaming FACE DOWN ASS UP THATS THE WAY WE LIKE TO FUCK lmao) and that was more just raunchy not straight up fuckin wild like these dudes were. Questionable production in a lot of it but the dudes swung for the fucking fences man. [KRS ONE]( deserves a spot for how conscious and proactive is. Tried to change the game for the better. And managed to retain his edge despite staying positive. [Biggie]( Amazing rapper, perfect balance between flow and bite. But mostly terrible beats. 90% of his tracks sound better in remix's. One of the greats. Had the potential to be THE great if he was paired up with a better producer than whoever tf diddy had him working with lol. [Jurassic 5]( I remember Chappelle saying J5 was his favourite group back in the day, so I rushed out n got the CD, and man he was right, J5 kick ass dude. lol [EPMD]( (I know it's 2 guys but roll with it ok lol) I wouldn't label them the most technically gifted, but buttery smooth and perfect vibe. [Xzibit]( I feel deserves a shoutout just because how many people wrote him off as the 'pimp my ride' guy. In the early 00's I remember a couple dudes I knew listing him as their favourite rapper. Dude was super relevant for a couple years there. Dudes underappreciated. Loved him as a kid and gave him another go literally today. lol. Dude holds up. [RUN DMC]( Half you youngins grandmas probably got knocked up while yo granddaddy was playing tougher than leather in the tape deck lol. Think about that a minute. lol. [Nas]( There's a lot of good artists out there, there's a lot of good albums out there. But how many of em have a 'New York State of Mind' on the resume? lol. [ODB]( (my fav 2 Wu tang verses are by Inspectah Deck (Triumph verse 1) and Ugod (deadly melody verse 2, and RZA's definitely the most influential, but god damn it ODB's solo stuff was just the most consistently good. Everything he touched turned to fire. Dude had the touch.) [Ice Cube]( and Ice T both played their part in the birth of gangster rap. But man Cube is a lot more listenable lol. [Freddie Gibbs]( is probably my favourite I've found so far in my attempt to get into new rap. Dudes got a vibe going. and.... That's more than 10 isn't it? ... OK I'll stop... lol.





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4/19/23 9:00


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