Top 100 Singles of 2022 - Rate Your Music (RYM)
Updated: August 1st
Playlist Length
0 days, 7 hours, 23 minutes
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Playlist Last Updated
August 3, 2022
Mixed Mood
Track Popularity Rating
Somewhat Popular
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**RYM** You can either go to RateYourMusic site and browse their [year end lists sorted by album]( based on users rights. Basically, it’s like IMDB of music. You can just use their play button and choose whatever streaming service that you have to listen. They are also tagged with subgenres and moods descriptors so you can keep exploring from there. Each genre link leads to the genre detail page and from there you can see the top albums of that genre. And so on…. They also do the same for singles and EPs but for them, I prefer to just follow a [Spotify playlist]( that’s regularly updated by someone. ___ **David Dean Burkhart** It’s a [channel]( on YouTube that uploads mainly indie pop and rock daily. Unlike RYM, this is more focused on a certain sound / mood. Usually quite mellow and easy to listen. I’ve come across a couple of gems from this channel. Alternatively, you can also follow a [Spotify playlist]( of it that someone graciously updates regularly. ___ **Bandcamp** [Bandcamp]( is like a combination of RYM and Spotify. It has its own streaming service and it has a lot of niche underground record labels. What I personally like about it is I can follow the labels and keep in touch with their latest releases. You can also get your hands on rare limited releases from around the world and from the past. I started listening to a lot of Greek and Turkish music because of Bandcamp. It’s a good site when you want to just hear something completely random.
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Reddit Timestamp
4/12/22 6:20
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