Kpop 2020

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Data Refreshed On

May 30, 2024

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Playlist Length

0 days, 19 hours, 18 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

April 8, 2024


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My top artists: 1. BTS 2. Tomorrow x together 3. Tove Lo (non-kpop, she released a really great pop album this year) 4. Epik High 5. Agust D My top songs: 1. Dynamite 2. ON 3. Black Swan 4. UGH! 5. 00:00 (zero o'clock) I spent 35k minutes listening to music in 2020, 15.4k which were spend on BTS only. I was in the 0.5% of BTS listeners, and my most played BTS song 'Dynamite' was played 550 times since august 21st (lol). I also listened to 11k minutes of podcasts, 3k of which were the [Ask me about kpop]( podcast :> Please give them a listen, they're very fun and open! I don't even share any of their ults, yet i never get tired of them talking about these groups haha. It's a really fun kpop podcast. I'm not surprised that all my top songs are BTS, i do listen to them quite a lot after all, but i am surprised that it's all new releases. Maybe i shouldn't be though, i think it's natural to listen more to new releases than old ones (even though i play through ther whole discography quite a bit too). My top artists are very accurate as all my ults or on it. [Here's]( my personal 'kpop 2020' playlist of songs that were released this year which i found good enough to lsiten to often. You'll notice that there isn't any BTS in there even though they are my most listened to artist this year. That's because i have a separate playlist with their discography as i don't find the need to listen to them when i'm listening to kpop in general :> There are probably releases that i liked missing from this playlist, because sometimes i just forget to add them lol.





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Reddit Timestamp

12/2/20 9:38


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