HEY, YOU! - The Town of Nowhere

Playlist By

Odd Merit

Data Refreshed On

February 3, 2024

Open in Spotify


(series by RevScarecrow @ twitch) a town in the middle of nowhere in Texas and a missing sister.


Playlist Length

0 days, 16 hours, 13 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

September 12, 2023


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Track Popularity Rating

Somewhat Popular



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Reddit Post

[A little while ago, I made a Spotify playlist for songs that reminded me of TTON, and I realized the best thing to do -- and also the most in line with the spirit of TTON -- was to open it up for other people to add songs as well!](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7wZJE7DBGeu2aXYwHcmrkL?si=qZ2iPK1XQq-hyLnfionNsg) You can add any songs you like that remind you of TTON in any way -- characters, vibes, plot points, theories, whatever you want! The only hard rule I have is **please don't delete other people's songs!** If you want to talk about songs you've added/would like to add, you can do that in this post as well! I'll share about a couple songs I've added: * True Trans Soul Rebel by Against Me!: Aside from the obvious "the main character is canonically trans", the first verse and [what the singer has said about the song](https://genius.com/Against-me-true-trans-soul-rebel-lyrics) both talk about walking around, alone and directionless, in the middle of nowhere (I think it was /u/PoppyrusSDG5 on twitter who pointed this out, actually, so thanks for that!) * Drop It Doe Eyes by Los Campesinos!: There's a lot of references to rotting animals, especially the "deer die with their eyes wide open" chorus, *and* there's talk of romantically drawing skeletons in a notebook -- sounds very Noah to me! * 1940 by The Submarines: This is a song that just has a very TTON vibe to me -- the tempo, the ominous feeling, and the lyrics all work together in that way





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Reddit Timestamp

4/2/20 20:24


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