biazu azja hits

Playlist By

Ɓukasz Biazik

Data Refreshed On

May 24, 2024

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w 2019 przeslucham caly kpop


Playlist Length

0 days, 22 hours, 32 minutes

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Playlist Last Updated

May 24, 2024



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[IZ*ONE - Highlight]( I thought their new album was rather boring, but this one is my favorite IZ*ONE song so far. [LOONA - Colors]( trademark LOONA sound done extremely right. I'm pretty sure [x x] will be my album of the year, and this is the song I've listened to the most [Weki Meki - Picky Picky]( it radiates this kinda Britney Spears' Toxic energy, surely one of my top k-pop singles of the year [WJSN - Boogie Up]( this one giving me just enough refreshing coolness to survive the heatwaves in Europe [fromis_9 - Love Rum Pum Pum]( Ngl, Fun was a bit of a letdown after Love Bomb, but I've immediately liked LRPP. I know I might be dissing the girls, but it kinda sounds like Modern Talking lol [Sunmi - Noir]( a good song and a great, albeit unambigous MV. Can't really say much, I just liked it [Everglow - Bon Bon Chocolat]( I can respect the overuse of autotune. It also makes me happy that there are songs with a drop that doesn't sound shit, like half the singles this year are [Kang Xiwon - Click Click]( all I can think about is this could be a Blackpink song if they actually had good songs (sorry not sorry) [Eyedi - & New]( what really draws me to this song is the acidic synth sound that I can't really get enough of [TXT - Cat & Dog]( I just wanted to check out this group and didn't really expect the song to be such an earworm. It might be kinda generic, but it hits all the right spots; also, the lyrics concern me a bit [Sulli - Dorothy]( I like the ambient-esque sound morphing into dubstep and the haunting vibe [Jus2 - FOCUS ON ME]( the production here is just outstanding, also MV of the year for sure I could put a few more on the list, but I've spent way too long typing all this out. I'll shamelessly plug my spotify k-pop playlist, which I update regularly, so if anyone is interested please check it out, because I love sharing music (and opinions) with others And since OP didn't specify, I'm posting some of my favorites outside of k-pop [Burial - Claustro]( [Clairo - Bags]( [Future - Extra]( [Tyler - WHAT'S GOOD]( [Jai Paul - Str8 Outta Mumbai]( doesn't seem to be available on yt [Carly Rae Jepsen - Julien]( [Ariana Grande - bad idea]( [Baltra - Summer of 98']( [Hockeysmith - Lonely Loving Me]( worth checking out for anyone who likes early Madonna [COALS - Blue]( gotta represent my country (reminder: most Polish music sounds much worse)





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Reddit Timestamp

7/1/19 6:26


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